torsdag den 4. juni 2009

Last assignment handed in and exam ahead!

Så er specialet afleveret, og der er nu læseferie. Min specialeopgave er baseret på at lave et redesign af magasinet "Kreative Kvinder"s hjemmeside.

Hjemmesiden er p.t. en statisk baggrund med fem valgmuligheder på menuen. Det virker udelukkende, som en side, hvorfra man forsøger at sælge magasiner. I mine øjne er det en dated side. Derfor syntes jeg, at det kunne være spændende at se på, hvordan man kunne lave det til en side, hvor kreative kvinder kunne have lyst at komme igen og igen.

Siden er baseret på fokusgruppeinterview, og de 45 kreative kvinder som er medlem af den facebook gruppe, jeg har lavet til projektet. De er hele vejen blevet spurgt til råds i forhold til de valg, der er blevet taget og det indhold der er kommet på siden. Siden indeholder "social media elementer", så siden er blevet en moderne platform, hvor kreative kvinder kan lade sig inspirere og inspirere andre :)

mandag den 13. april 2009

Specialeopgaven - let the hard work begin!

Så er jeg godt igang med min speciale opgave. Den næste halvanden måned bliver travl. Tænk sig, at der kun er 2½ måned til at uddannelsen er færdig. Lækkert :o) Jeg glæder mig vildt meget til få et job inden for branchen, og til at prøve krafter med den virkelig verdens udfordringer som multimediedesigner.
Den næste tid vil jeg skrive på en anden blog, som jeg har oprettet til specialeopgaven. Den vil til at starte med være en lukket blog! Den hedder Kreativ Inspiration og ligger på
Min specialeopgave handler meget kort sagt om, hvordan man kan redesigne magasinet Kreative Kvinders hjemmeside?

tirsdag den 31. marts 2009

What is creativity?

See more videos here:

31st of March 2009

Two months has passed by as a trainee out in the real world and ahead lies the final project. No internet all weekend - because we have got a new modem. I used the weekend on getting the thoughts together for the final project and writting a five page synopsis for this that needed to be handed in yesterday Monday the 30th.
I am glad that we had to write the synopsis and think it will be a great piece to be doing whenever a project has to be done for school or in the real business. We haven't done that before for a project at school.
I have choosen to write/make my project alone for once. More people from the class are doing their own project this time. We got eight weeks for it. The synopsis will be read through by the teachers these days and approved, refused or we will be asked to change/add things. We are to get the answer on Thursday, so I got a bit of butterflies in my stomach. Hope that it goes through and hope that I can manage to hold all pieces together myself and that I can find a CMS that will work the way I want and will be easy to change for the case.

January 2009 - Hell and Heaven

It was time for exams this month and lots of reading. The first one was already on the 6th of January. It was the project from "Media to community". For the first time I experienced the worst feeling I have ever felt. I was scared, couldn't sleep, over-tired, shaking, couldn't put thoughts together and more for three days before the exam. Have no clue what so ever happened to my body and mind. The examination time was about 30-40min. = a feeling of hell where thoughts and words don't come to you as you hope and the questions asked and wanting to be answered was.... no where to be found. "Horrible" that's the word for those days. But maneged through. I didn't fail, though not with the best grade. But sure lucky to be alive and be over with that afterwards.

The second exam was on the 22nd of January - 48hour thing. Drew the subject on the 20th: "Visualisation". SO HAPPY about that subject. We have four subjects on this education, the other three are: Businees, communication and Interaction (IT/coding of websites) there was some questions to be answered from/about an earlier written project we did and some studies to be done for that. This was the opposite feeling. This was a great experience and I learned a lot about Visualisation on those 48hours of preparing for the exam. The exam was also a GREAT experience. The best exam I have been to so far in my life and as you probably can read. I got a super grade for that one :o)

*Hope I will never experience the feeling again that I had for the first exam. No thank you!!! :o)

mandag den 24. november 2008

3.semester project: From Media To Community

"CiCaDo" is the name of the of the group that I am in for 3rd semester project. 3rd semesters theme is: From Media To Community". In my group we're working on getting a social media place up and running. Right now we do not want to reveal it's content. But we have made a account that will later be opened up for others to see. (The blog is and will mostly be used for homework and goals in the beginning.) The project has to be handed in on the 18th of December. Showcase will also be held on that day!

tirsdag den 11. november 2008


What is SmartCodes? You can say it's a "New Way Of Marketing With Cell Phone Scanning".
Visit the website for more detailed information:

I have already made my own SmartCode and you can see it underneath. You can also make your own personal Smartcode here: My SmartCode will be embeded on my website as a picture and when I made the SmartCode I made it link to my website. It's part of designing the SmartCode. Smart right :o)
- This is my SmartCode.

Scan it with your cell phone and it will take you to my website: With the i-nigma reader installed on your mobile, you'll be ready to decode smartcodes and connect direct to the mobile internet. To find out if the i-nigma handset software is available yet for your handset, click here to check our list of over 100 supported mobiles. Of course you'll need internet service from your provider.
Watch this short video about "fiction without limits" where mobile/television/Internet is used to create a fiction series in Sweden. COOL but also scary!!! What will be next... Smartcodes plays a part in this serie:

mandag den 10. november 2008

To hjemmesider online

Der ligger nu to hjemmesider online, som jeg har lavet for andre. Se nedenstående beskrivelse og link til dem begge:

Annette Nagly - Næstved, er uddannet certificeret ID-psykoterapeut. Hun arbejder med bevistgørelse af dine behov og grænser og forståelse af følelser og reaktioner. Terapi tilbydes til individuelle - unge som ældre og Parterapi. Besøg hendes hjemmeside for yderligere info:

ARGO NAVIS gospelkor består af 22 ambitiøse sangere, der går op i at have det sjovt og synge fed musik sammen. Koret har base i Næstved og har eksisteret i ca. 12 år, de sidste seks med Claus Lorentzen som dirigent. Argo Navis synger rytmisk, velklingende og medrivende gospel på højt niveau. Besøg deres hjemmeside for yderligere information:

tirsdag den 4. november 2008

Documentary at the TV-school

These 14 days we're visiting the TV-school in Avedøre again. This time it is about making documentary. Professional teachers teach us about interview-techniques, narration and making of documentaries.
The group that I am working in is making a documentary about taking a chance. Kristian Greiff was a teacher at a high school. Now he's trying life as a model. He has decided to give it a chance and see how far it will take him. As he says: I can always go back and become a teacher again if it doesn't give enough work and money. The worst thing would be if I didn't try it out and regret it later...

There was a halfway deadline last Friday where the teachers gave feed-back on what we could do to make the film better. The finished project will to be handed in and shown this coming Friday the 7th of November.

søndag den 21. september 2008

Cumuli - "Social Media" - samarbejde

The project about Social Media has started and in cooperation with Cumuli we will see what we will end up with in about a month! writes: "Web 2.0 udviklingsprojekt

I et samarbejde med Undervisningsministeriet, Dansk Erhverv og 46H er vi nu igang med et udviklingsprojekt om hvordan man kan anvende web 2.0 tankegangen i en mere forretningsorienteret kontekst, og samtidig være pilot for, hvordan man kan knytte erhverv og uddannelsesinstitutioner tættere sammen i et frugtbart udviklings- og læringssamarbejde.
Fsv. web 2.0 indeholder projektet en granskning af teknologi, brugeradfærd og -perception bag facebook, myspace, flickr, you tube etc. OG hvordan vi kan lære af de mekanismer som driver indholds- og vidensdelingen og overføre dem til den kommercielle verden.
Læringskurven er stejl opadgående, inspirationen og energien er høj i et allerede nu formidabelt samarbejde :-) Cumuli / Morten Bove"

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